District Court Justice

I am Jamie Levy and I humbly ask for your
vote on May 16, 2023


Our district court should be a pillar of right for the community, the place where our residents come for justice. You can be confident that when I am elected to be your district judge, the right decisions will be made with compassion and understanding.

Our district judge should be an effective problem-solver and leading source of justice for the community. While serving as president of the borough council, and an active Rotarian, I co-founded a charitable foundation that helps our local community balance the scales of injustice. I am Jamie Levy and I’m prepared to serve as your district judge.

Justice should serve everybody equally. As district judge, I promise to serve every member of our community equitably and consistently with the justice they deserve.


As a first responder, I understand the important role our law enforcement officers have in protecting and serving our community. As your district judge, I will work alongside law enforcement rendering the judgements that support safe and effective community policing. I’m Jamie Levy. I respectfully ask for your vote for district judge.

I spent years as a first responder, so I know how to work alongside our law enforcement officers to serve and protect our community. We need a judge that supports safe and effective community policing. That’s why I’m running for district judge.

Jamie Levy EMT


For over 20 years I have been fighting for our most vulnerable when they were in need of legal assistance. They trust me to get them the justice they deserve. When you elect me district judge, I will continue fighting to get everyone that enters my court the fair and consistent judgment promised to them. That’s why I am running for district judge.

As a trial lawyer, I’ve been fighting for our community’s most vulnerable for over 20 years. People know that if there’s a legal fight, they can Leave it to Levy to get the justice they deserve. When you elect me as your district judge, I will continue to fight for justice in our community.